Biographies Evidence Not Seen ~By Darlene Deibler Rose This is an autobiography of a missionary to New Guinea who spent four years in Japanese prison camps during WW2. It tells of how God loved her and kept her. This book helped to build my faith in God's personal love for me. I think it is probably the best biography I have ever read. She also has a set of two video tapes where she tells her testimony. They are available through IBLP. I think they are about four hours total.
Let My Heart Be Broken I do not know the author of this book. It is a very old book that I found at the library at BJU. A Christian reporter went to the Far East to visit missionaries in several countries shortly after WW1. This book is a large collection of their stories. His prayer on the way over was "Let my heart be broken with the things that break Your heart, God." The book made me do a lot of thinking about what is really important in life and what is important to God.
By Searching & In the Arena ~ By Isobel Kuhn These two books were sent to me anonymously and I have found them to be a treasure. The first book tells about how Isobel came to know the Lord and how He built her faith and maturity. It is a great book for young people who are struggling with their walk and commitment to the Lord. The second book is great for those "in Christian work" in fact that is who it is directed toward. It is a continuation of her first autobiography, this time focusing on her time as a missionary in China. God used it in my life to remind me that the things that I see as difficulties are really just opportunities He has brought for my benefit. It is a good book to read when you feel like you are sinking.
Daktar ~ By Vick Olson This book starts out slow but by the middle you can't put it down. It is an authobiography of a missionary doctor to Bangladesh. The thing that impressed me the most was his love for the Bangle people. He had God's priorities.
The Pineapple Story ~ By Otto Koning This book is available through IBLP. It is the story of how a missionary learned to yield his rights to God. He also has a set of audio tapes that tell lots more missionarie stories. They teach vailuable lessons for both children and adults. The tapes along with his books helped to bring me to a new grade level in my Christian life.
The Hiding Place ~ By Corrie ten Boom This famous autobiography of Corrie's has also helped to build my faith. All of her books that I have read have been a great blessing to me. She has a lot of God's wisdom to share. Some of her other books that I have read are: In My Father's House, Jesus Is Victor, and Tramp for the Lord.
Amma - The Life and Words of Amy Carmichael ~ By Elizabeth R. Skoglund This is the best book I have found on the life of Amy Carmichael but I found that in some places it got a bit graphic about some of the sin she was fighting against. I don't think it is a good book for children. Anoter good book about her life is A Chance to Die. It is a bit harder to read though.
Mymosa ~ By Amy Carmichael This is the life story of an Indian lady that Amy Carmichael led to the Lord when Mymosa was just a child. If I remember correctly, Mymosa was only exposed to the Gospel for one day when she was a child. and afterward she underwent terrible persecution for her faith. It is a testimony of God's faithfulness to keep those that are His own even though it seems impossible.
Dorie - the Girl Nobody Loved ~ By Dorie VanStone This is the story of a little girl who was terribly abused, mistreated and alone until she found out that God loved her. It tells of how God protected her and sustained her. She eventually became a missionary. This is a good book for those who are discontent.
More Precious Than Gold ~By John Vaugn This book is the testimony of my former pastor's family from SC while I was a student at BJU. His wife and daughter were very seriously burned in a house fire when he was a young pastor. He and his wife tell about the many deep lessons they learned during this time. This is another faith building book.
Vanya This is a book I read quite some time ago but it still stands out in my mind. It is about a young man who was obligated to serve in the Russian army. He was killed for his Faith.
Glenda's Story ~ By Glenda Revell This is another moving story about a child in a terrible home situation. What encouraged me the most was when I discovered that I was reading another book by this lady, With Love from a Mother's Heart. It is a very good book where she gives some very straight, often hard hitting counsel, in the most loving way to young women. I was encouraged to see how God had matured this frightened, abused little child into a mature, Godly woman who gives wise counsel because of the things God brought her through.
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret ~ By Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor This whole book is good but it made it to my best books list because of chapter 14, "The Exchanged Life." Every once in a while I get the book out and rerea that chapter because in it, Hudson Taylor clearly explains the secret to resting in Christ. You will have to read it and find out what it is.
Other Books Trusting God - Even When Life Hurts ~ By Jerry Bridges All the books that I have read by Bridges have been very good but this one has changed my thinking more than any other book I have read. It helped me to see that everything that happens to me is for my good and God's glory.
Crucified by Christians ~ By Gene Edwards This is a very good book along the same lines a Trusting God. It is quite a bit shorter though and its focus is on trusting God when people, especially Christians do wrong to you. He also wrote another book called A Tale of Three Kings. It is an embelleshed story of David, Solomn, and Absalom. It is very good for those who are in positions of leadership or who are preparing to be leaders. It will challenge your thinking about what a leader really is before God. The book is very easy to read. It only takes a few hours.
The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life ~ By Hannah Whitall Smith The title of the book makes it sound a little trite but it is not. It is an old classic published in 1870. Hannah uses vivid stories and word pictures to help the reader understand how to rest in Christ. It helped me to see the personal relationship God has with me.
Improving Your Serve ~ By Charles Swindoll This is a challenge for the Christian to be a true servant. It changed my mindset about serving the Lord.
Tyranny of the Urgent! ~By Charles E. Hummel InterVarsity Press This is a very small booklet that warns of how we let the "urgent" things crowd out the important things in life. It also helps you solve the problem.
Born Crucified ~ By L.E. Maxwell I read this book a long time ago but it's emphasis on dying to yourself has stayed with me.
Pain - The Gift Nobody Wants ~ By Paul Brand This book is especially good for those who are suffering physically. It shows how pain is a gift from God and how it can be used for His Glory. In the book, Dr. Brand talks about his work with leprosy patients.It is not a book for people with weak stomachs. He has another good book along with Philip Yancey called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. This book is about God's wonderful creation of the human body. They wrote another book called In His Image that I have some cautions about.
More Good Books Quality Friendships - Being a Godly friend
What the Bible Says about Healthy Living - Health
My Utmost for His Highest - Devotional
The Imitation of Christ - Exhortations
To Train Up a Child & Shepherding a Child's Heart - Parenting (these two books should be read together to balance each other)
The Bondage Breaker - Spiritual Warfare
Living Free in Christ - Spiritual Warfare
Little Nuggets Series - Exhortations By Jerry Benjamin availble through IBLP Music in the Balance - Music
Resources 742 Heart Warming Poems By Sword of the Lord Pub.
Motivating With Scripture By John Regier
Rekindling Marital Intimacy By John Regier audio cassette series. This series is not just for those who are married. It addresses topics like temporal values, pride, bitterness, rebellion, abuse, moral failure, negative thought patterns, ground yielded to the enemy, evil for evil relationships, and hypocrisy. These tapes have been a big help to me personally and as I counsel others. They can be ordered from the International Center for Biblical Counseling Orders: 719-573-8051 |