
Write a report containing the following information along with the other interesting things you find out about salt.

What is the chemical formula for salt and what does it stand for?

What does salt look like under a microscope?

What is added to table salt and why?

What is the difference between table salt and sea salt?

Where does salt come from?

How is it harvested?

What happens when someone does not get enough salt?

What happens when someone gets to much salt?

What happens if someone drinks salt water?

How is salt used medicinally?

What are some verses in the Bible that refer to salt?

What are some analogies and lessons we can learn from salt?

Your leaders may give you a little help and they should proof read the paper for you but you must write the paper yourself!

You and your leaders should design a table display with your report as the main item. Be sure to make the display as interesting as possible using pictures, questions, color coordination etc. Everything concerning your project must be placed under the clear plastic table cover.

Paper due:______________ Display due:_______________